Sunday, April 15, 2012

Manager Profile: Troy


· First Name:Troy Brown

· Team:Billy Chapel

· Location:Wells Maine

· Age:45

· Years in High & Tight:since inception

· Education:wells high school Bachelors from University of New England

· Major(s)/Focus: Buisness Administration

· Occupation: Owner Wells Beach Lobster pound

· Favorite MLB team: Boston Red Sox

· Favorite MLB player currently: Matt Kemp

· Favorite MLB player as child: Fred Lynn

· Highest level of experience playing baseball: High School

· Why did you choose the team name you have? How many times has it changed? it has changed twice- Billy loved the game and so dont I


1. All-time, who were the top five players that were the most enjoyable to have on your team? Jared Weaver--Shane Victrino-King Felix-Mariano Rivera-Ian Kinsler

2. Have you grown a deep hatred for any player due to their past fantasy performance? Alex rios

3. What one player do you wish you had on your roster right now? Matt Kemp

4. What player will never be on your roster (not due their status as a keeper for another team)? Jimmy Rollins

5. Which player on your current roster are you least likely to trade? Victrino or Beltre

6. What is your all-time best transaction (draft pick/trade/free agent pick-up)? yah I dont know if i have had one

7. What is your all-time worst transaction (draft pick/ trade/free agent pick-up)? letting Felix and Weaver go to ONE NUT!!!

8. Any players you find yourself gravitating toward, despite their being largely unpopular? Robinson Cano

9. Who is the worst keeper you’ve ever kept? probably any one of my relievers

10. Who is the best sleeper on your team currently? Josh Willingham


11. How were you introduced to the league? How do you know Lars? I was intorduced thru Lars I know him from coaching him in high school b-ball

12. How many current owners did you know prior to joining the league? Which ones? 5 I think--Casten-adam- Lars- dave- pierce

13. Who would you say is your biggest rival in High & Tight? If none, who would you most enjoy pulverizing? Cole and cole with Casten 2nd

14. Who is your favorite trade partner? Who is your least favorite? Adam-- Jason

15. What is your initial reaction when you see you’ve received a trade offer from Jason? always entertaining

16. Anything you’d like other owners to know about your interaction with the league? (examples: “I check my email/league site at lunch time,” “I often travel and don’t have access to the internet,” “Your odds of executing a trade with me go up considerably if you send me a picture of Scarlet Johansson posing provocatively,” etc.)? i check my rosters late at night or early morning-- I am off now, but put in a lot of hours from may 3 - October

17. How would you describe your pre-draft preparation? scale of 1-10 6-- try to find some sleepers hard to do with you guys

18. How often do you go on the H&T website/blog per day? 0-1 each day

19. What is the weirdest place/situation you’ve checked your lineup? on vacation at Disney

20. If you could make one change to the league, what would it be? I would like to start over no keepers!!!

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