Monday, August 3, 2015

Week 16 Real Rankings

The open trading period has started with bang, and by "bang" I mean there's been no sound whatsoever. However, with Dave, Dan, and Pierce joining Gibby among the Maybe Next Years, I imagine we'll start hearing more. The real question is for those in limbo - are you going for it or are you not or are you not sure? There's still two weeks until you need to officially make up your mind, but clearly the teams that start selling early are able to get the most desperate buyers. Basically anyone under .500 on the season needs to look over their roster closely and determine whether its worthwhile to sacrifice next year's picks to pursue glory this year. Kyle has a commanding lead for the regular season title, and my team has been high up there all season, but no team has truly overwhelmed the competition on a regular basis. Jason and the Chrises have equally talented rosters - it's just a matter of who gets hot at the right time. 

  • Big matchup this week between #1 and #2 in the standings and real rankings, as the Revenge face off against the Pirates. If my team is going to take a run at the top spot, it will need a good week. Both teams are loaded up with double starts, so should be a good one. 
  • Past four weeks, the top three teams in the RR were Ring 5.4, Revenge 5.6, and Pirates 5.8. Bottom three were Prestige (8.9), Sexual (9.5) and Keeping (9.5).
  • As always, a friendly reminder to set your lineup and report and lineup violations you see. It's for the good of the league that you both comply and report. Fines will be levied for repeat offenders.
  • Thanks to the three additional people who paid via PayPal yesterday. Everyone else - please pay some time in the next couple weeks (Lars and Shannon, please note the additional fee for the last and next to last place finish last year). Don't hesitate to let me know if you need more time. 

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