Monday, May 12, 2014

Week 6 Real Rankings

- Not many over- or under-achievers as this week had the smallest differential between the first and last place team all season at 4.4 and 9.9.

- Lady luck appears to be stalking Pierce like a deranged ex-girlfriend with a promise ring. There is an incredible 10 spots between his place in the Real Rankings and that of the Actual Standings. This was perpetuated this week by his matchup against a the underachieving Urban Achievers. He got a win despite hitting a meager 4 home runs this week, but Dan did worse with 2. You gotta think this will catch up to him eventually, but there he is, sitting fourth in the standings.

-  Ten teams hit more home runs than Pierce and Dan did COMBINED (6) in their matchup.

- Kyle and Jason both hammered out 14 home runs a piece this week.

- Big bounceback week for the new guy as Shomphe's nice week gave him a good bump up the Real Rankings

- Gibby continued his assault on the basepaths, with 9 steal. He has had the most SBs every week except one and has an incredible 62 total stolen bases compared to second place Andrew's 34.

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