Thursday, September 4, 2014

Final Real Rankings

- Congratulations to, well, me for my regular season championship. I take home 25% of the pot, plus $40 for best second half record. Gibby gets $100 for his second place finish.

- Though it didn't seem that way, probably because he had little competition, my season was equal to Russ' dominant 2013 regular season. Our Real Rankings were basically identical. He finished 2013 at 5.30 and I finished at 5.31 this year.  His closest competition was Chris Shannon at 6.38 while I had Gibby nipping at my heals most of the season at 5.98. 

- In the actual standings, my .664 winning % came in well above Russ' .631 last year. The135 wins I accumulated during the regular season was good enough for fifth all-time and the most since we expanded to 14 teams in 2011.

1.  Casten (2007):  141 2.  Litchfield (2005): 140 3.  Oullette (2008):  138 4.  Leech (2007):  137 
5.  Leech (2014):  135

As Russ has asserted many times and I can attest, having won three regular season championships, it a lot more difficult to win a regular season than a championship.  Of course, that comes from two guys who have never won a championship...  

Anyhow, congratulations to me! And good job to Gibby too. Congratulations to all the playoff teams as well. It was a fascinating end to a great season.

- But we play for the glory of the championship tournament. Here are the hottest teams over the past 4 weeks

One Nut Wonders5.30
Keepin it REAL...5.33
Montezuma's 5.63
Ring of Fire5.93
Urban Achievers6.08
Sexual Napalm6.68  

- Obviously, I'm a little late this week and we've already got some upsets brewing. It would be very much like me to lose in such epic fashion to a team that sold off most of its best players. But that's what makes this fun, right!

- On another note in the regular season, its hard to see Moose and Cowhide decide not to sell and still get shut out of the tournament while Urban and Anal sell hard and get in. A half game kept Dave out, which is why it is important to never take a win for granted. It could make all the difference.

- Unless there is some serious objection, I'm going to impose a new rule related to our injured player restriction in the playoffs. Its been three years and its never been used because rosters expand right before the playoffs start, thus negating the need to DL a player. I'm thinking if a position player sits for three games in a row or a pitchers misses a start due to an injury, a team can apply for an exemption. We'll see.

- Regarding the consolation bracket, I have no clue why it didn't show up. I've scoured the Commissioner tools and can't find anywhere that listed it as optional. I have an inquiry into Yahoo. Unless the bracket suddenly appears to start next week, we're going to have to scrap that idea for next year and just go with a straight lottery.



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