Donkey Punchers receive
Derek Holland, 12th rounder
Cowhide Joyride receive
Ted Lilly, 11th round
Smart move by Dave at this point to start selling off the pieces for minor draft upgrades. He could make some nice headway over the course of the next 10 days. Although, he might’ve been able to get more for Holland if he waited until after his next start. The thing with Holland, as someone who suffered the pains along with the great success, is he is by far the most volatile pitcher in the league. He can go from a complete game shutout with 10ks to two-thirds of an inning and seven earned runs. That was the main reason he was jettisoned from my roster, as I don’t want to have to deal with him delivering a death blow. The volatility issue may be what makes it or breaks it for Chris, with guys like McDonald, Holland, Gallardo, Cahill, and Carpenter. Even stable guys like Hudson, Karstens, Garcia, and Marcum can only reduce the risk so much. But considering the options, yeah I’d definitely rather have him than Lilly, whose been nothing short of dreadful this year despite being healthy. So definitely a good move for Chris.
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