- Lets talk about me - crazy week. 2.4 is easily the best output for any team in a single week so far. It's the second highest in two years, with only Mike's 2.2 in Week 9 of 2013 exceeding it. My team was able to come in first in hitting (2.8) and pitching (2.0) for the week. Meanwhile 16 homers was six more than the next best team, thanks largely to Jose Abreu, who is on pace for 58 hr and 175 rbis. Just one of those weeks you never want to stop.
- Little more about me - If you remove the SB category, my real rank would've been 1.6. And if I started both Salazar and Richards on Sunday, I would have ended the week first in every category besides QS (2nd) and steals (10th) and ended the week with a 2.0. If Braun didn't hit one of my few basestealers in the head with a bat on Saturday, that number could've been even better.
- Pierce took a slight hit this week, with a 3-6-1 loss to Dave but continues to be in the top 3 in the standings and bottom 3 in the Real Rankings.
- Mike had an insane week on the basepaths with 16 stolen bases. Ironically, cruelly, that was about 15 more than he needed to win the category from Shomphe, who had 0 stolen bases.
- As you can see by the first third column in the overall rankings, there's still some injustice in terms of the correlation between the Real and actual rankings, but an incredible 8 of the teams are in the same position in both rankings. Statistically speaking, that's rather remarkable after only four weeks.
- After weeks of seeing his hitting outproduce his pitching by leaps and bounds, Shomphe's hitting came in last for the week (12.4) while his pitching came in second (4.8).
- Lots of lopsided victories this week, with all victors except Andrew (5-4-1 over Russ) getting at least 7 wins.
- Of the losers, Lars had the best Real Rank at 8.2, which was only 0.6 less than Jason's 7.6 for the week. Except Lars play Brian and got 1 win and Jason player Dan on a bad week and got 7 wins. For a team down in its luck, another tough break for Lars, who has a better Real Ranking than Pierce but rest 11 spots below him in the actual standings.
- While I may be ragging on Pierce, it would be disingenuous for me not to point out his pitching staff put together a 1.69/0.96 for the week. However, he lost to Dave in saves and Ks and tied in QS. Its an interesting example of the difficult balance in how to structure a roster. Pierce only has six starters, two closers, and a setup guy, while rostering four bench bats. Meanwhile, Dave has eight starters, three closers, and one setup guy. Both have less starters than many other teams, but for this week, Dave's relative excess made the difference. That is why you see so few starting pitchers available on the wire. A large group of mediocre guys can win you three categories (QS, SV, K). A small group of excellent guys can win you two categories (ERA, WHIP). Teams that have a large group of excellent guys tend to dominate this league, but it is extremely hard to do.