Saturday, February 19, 2011

2011 League Vote & other info

What's up MFers? The season is approaching quickly and we need to hold our traditional vote on the issues that have come up. Instead of sending our an email like a typically would, I have embedded the questions on the right side of the blog. This will track the results automatically. You will also notice that you only have until 3/15 to get your vote in, and then the voting will close down. Let me know if there are any other questions that should be added.

As of now we have March 28th at 7:30 pm as the online draft. Let me know if you have any iaaues with that date and time ASAP.

We will be exapnding to 14 teams this year, and I am working on having the 2 new owners added. More to come.

It is required that all fantasy baseball blogs post the George Brett Shit Himself Remix once per year. We are filling the quota today, but we will be posting it many time throughout the season, because this video never gets old.